Agency name

Cordovan Communication

Year established


Location, country

Gothenburg, Sweden

Number of people

+20 of the most talented in Sweden according to our customers*


Mikael Stenberg

Best known clients

BillerudKorsnäs, Essity, Getinge, Volvo, University West, University of Gothenburg

What we’re good at

Recently we were elected one of Sweden’s best advertising agencies 2021* (for the second year in a row) and according to our customers the best thing about us is our knowledge of brands, our customers’ target audiences and market. But also our creativity and commitment.

Best piece of work done recently

Due to the pandemic we have developed Wizitory – a brand new platform for creating virtual events in 3D. In this way we have been able to help the University West build a completely digital version of the university’s Campus – a way to attract new students and also function as an important meeting place in the long term.

Average age of employees (approx.)


Agency motto

We are an advertising agency who believe that commitment will lead to more efficient communication. And that the biggest reward you can get for your work is that people really do care.

What does everyone love about the agency?

The people! And the best way to describe those who work at Cordovan is friendly, skilled and committed

What does everyone complain about?

The air-conditioning

What agency traditions do you have?

Wine lottery and Tuesday coffee.

When did you join the network?


Why did you join E3?

It enables us to effectively meet our customers’ challenges, locally as well as globally.

One thing everyone gets wrong about where we live

Not everyone is tall and blonde

What’s the coolest thing about Gothenburg that no one else knows about?
There are a number of micro breweries in Gothenburg and the city is considered the beer capital of Sweden. Also Lonely Planet ranked Gothenburg as the world´s best sustainable city to visit 2021.

What’s the one thing you have to do here when you visit

In the winter: Enjoy a “fika” on one of the cozy cobblestone streets of Haga. A place where you will find a variety of cozy cafes, restaurants and shops.

In the summer: discover the Gothenburg archipelago. Take the tram to Saltholmen and visit, for example, the islands of Styrsö or Vrångö.

Where we go after work

We often have our after works in our cozy office. But as our office is located right in the city centre there is an abundance of restaurants to choose from. A tip if you want to visit a nice restaurant with after work is otherwise Bellora which has a wonderful roof terrace.

Restaurant we take clients to

Toso at the top of the avenue is a classic. A really nice restaurant with a star in the Michelin Guide and fantastic food from the Asian cuisine.

Essential phrase in local language

Hej! Hur mår du? (Hello, how are you?)